Dental Memberships

Smile Saver Plans

We started our dental membership plans by popular demand from our existing patients. Whether it’s retirees or people who have found themselves in between jobs and are about to lose their dental membership plan. We hated to see the severing of relationships with those patients, or have them delay scheduled dental treatments that they needed just because they were going to lose their dental insurance. Something that we take pride in at our practice is we have been here in Frisco for 23 years (formerly Stonebriar Dental), and many of our patients we’ve had long term relationships with. These plans allow us to continue these relationships with our patients. It also makes us feel better knowing that they don’t compromise their dental health by stopping for a period of time before they were able to find a new dental insurance, and allows us the continuity of care that they need.

Adult Smile Saver Plan

Child Smile Saver Plan

Perio Smile Saver Plan