Fluoride & Silver Diamine Treatment

Traditional fluoride treatment is a process that uses a gel or foam to brush on your teeth. It helps remineralize your teeth and fight cavities.

Silver Diamine Fluoride is a newer treatment that uses a liquid that is painted on your teeth. It helps protect your teeth from cavities and can also stop tooth decay from progressing.

Fluoride Treatment

Fluoride’s importance to improving dental enamel has been shown by the ADA (American Dental Association), the WHO (World Health Organization), the AMA (American Medical Association), and other medical groups. Cities that put fluoride in their drinking water have fewer problems with tooth decay and cavities. A mineral naturally found in some food and the earth’s crust, fluoride builds up teeth and bones. Fluoride treatments at Brian Wong D.D.S. P.A. (formerly Stonebriar Dental) in Frisco, TX may help younger patients who have growing teeth and older patients with decaying enamel to improve their dental health. Get more information about fluoride treatments at your appointment with one of our board-certified dentists.

fluoride treatment

Best Candidate

Professional fluoride treatments may be administered to all patients, although it’s usually given to children who still have growing teeth or who have not developed a proper home oral care routine. Our dentists also suggest professional fluoride treatments for older patients who don’t have fluoride in their drinking water or if they are susceptible to tooth decay. Brian Wong D.D.S. P.A. uses different formulas of fluoride if you have special concerns, like neutral sodium fluoride for those with a dry mouth or acidulated phosphate fluoride for those with restorations (bridges, crowns, and dentures). We also offer a choice of flavors to make treatments easier for all patients.

What to Expect

Professional fluoride treatments are usually done twice a year following your cleaning. As soon as you select your flavor, the hygienist will begin to prepare your fluoride treatment as a gel, foam, or varnish. The treatment will be kept on your teeth for up to five minutes so the fluoride can sink into your enamel, then it can be removed. A suction tool may be used to help remove any excess fluoride after the procedure since you may not rinse out your mouth, drink, or eat for at least half an hour after.


Nausea and vomiting may take place if you consume any fluoride; however, this will usually subside about a day after your treatment. In certain patients, our dentists may give you fluoride tablets to use between treatments. Fluoride is toxic in large doses, you need to be cautious to prevent children from getting supplements. Although these professional treatments strengthen the teeth, you need to have a regular oral care routine at home by using a toothpaste with fluoride and flossing. You also need to schedule exams and cleanings at Brian Wong D.D.S. P.A., so our trained dentists can continue to assess the need for professional fluoride treatments.

Silver Diamine Treatment

At our state-of-the-art facility, Dr. Wong and his team utilize silver diamine fluoride. As a topical treatment, it is effective in arresting cavities without the need for an anesthetic. A great option for pediatric and special needs patients, silver diamine fluoride can keep cavities from spreading and growing. For the actual treatment process, the silver diamine fluoride is applied directly to the cavity. Typically, this is only needed to be performed around once a year. During your consultation at our facility, Dr. Wong will be able to provide any necessary information regarding silver diamine fluoride and determine if you are an ideal candidate for the treatment.

Best Candidates

Patients with high-risk sites:

  • Exposed root surfaces  
  • Furcations
  • Deep pits and fissures  
  • Food traps  
  • Sites sensitive to hot/cold  
  • “Watch” spots  

Hypoplastic Molars

All cavity-active patients:

  • Class V decay
  • Incipient decay
  • Interproximal decay
  • Special needs patients
  • Decay close to the pulp
  • Elderly patients with secondary decay
    (multiple medications)

What to Expect

When you come in for your silver diamine fluoride (SDF) treatment, the dentist or dental hygienist will first assess the areas of your mouth that need to be treated. They will then clean your teeth and apply the SDF solution to the affected areas using a small brush. The solution will turn the affected areas of your teeth black.

After the solution has been applied, the dentist or dental hygienist will then apply a fluoride varnish to your teeth. This helps to protect your teeth from cavities and decay. The entire process takes about 30 minutes to complete.

SDF is a safe and effective way to treat cavities and prevent further decay. It is important to keep up with good oral hygiene habits after your treatment, such as brushing and flossing regularly, to help keep your mouth healthy.

If you have any questions or concerns about silver diamine fluoride, please talk to your dentist or dental hygienist. They will be happy to answer any of your questions.

Insurance Coverage

Many insurance companies pay for professional fluoride treatments, for children, but after a certain age, some may not be covered. Sometimes insurance companies also cover silver diamine fluoride treatments. We work to determine your exact coverage through your insurance company before calculating your personal expenses. If you do not have dental insurance, Brian Wong D.D.S. P.A. (formerly Stonebriar Dental) offers many payment methods and may be able to help you get financing.

Proactive Fluoride Treatments

Help make sure your family has healthy, strong smiles with fluoride treatments at Brian Wong D.D.S. P.A. (formerly Stonebriar Dental) We offer professional fluoride treatments for children with growing teeth and older patients who are looking to minimize future problems. Contact our team in Frisco, TX to schedule an appointment for a professional cleaning and exam plus a fluoride treatment.

Plan Your Fluoride Treatment